This page will show you how you can make your research data more FAIR by taking you through six FAIRification practices:
Each FAIRification practice, i.e. documentation, file formats, metadata, access to data, persistent identifiers, and data licences, is discussed on its own subpage. Each subpage explains what the FAIRification practice means in a FAIR context and provides examples of steps you can take before, during and after your research project to make your research data more FAIR. Recommendations, standards and examples are given for quantitative, qualitative, and sensitive data to help you FAIRify your research data in a way that makes sense for you.
We recommend you start by watching the case introductions below.
To make this website easier to read the words “sensitive data” are used to refer to sensitive, personal, and confidential data.
Throughout the FAIRification subpages, four research projects are used as examples of how you can make your research data more FAIR. You will see short interview clips of researchers in Engineering, Humanities, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences. The researchers share their methods and solutions for problems specific to quantitative data, qualitative data, and sensitive data. Watch all four case introductions - or just the ones you expect will be most relevant to your research field and data type.